paid request that won't be posted on my channel, but you can now purchase it here if it matches what you desire. 5 minutes long, water sounds. CX-111 formula. This is fully unisex.
for your own paid request email me to
with your full list of desired benefits
- Get rid of all allergies: food, environment, animals, chemical related, etc.
- Heal respiratory system and airways. Clear airways and healthy clear sinuses
- Remove allergy symptoms. Hives, itchy skin, post nasal drip, eyes, runny/stuffy nose, wheezing, etc.
- Healthy digestive system. Heal any type of nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn etc.
- Healthy teeth. Get rid of tartar, plaque and cavities
- fully perfect minerals and enamel
- teeth are super perfect, strong, resistant
- Regenerate teeth. Grow teeth, heal chipped/damaged teeth, etc.
- Perfect gum health and appearance.
- Perfect teeth appearance.
- perfect teeth symmetry (height, width, etc.),
- perfectly white teeth, no stains
- perfect teeth size & shape
- perfect bite alignment, teeth occlusion, etc.
- Good balance of oral bacteria. Fresh good breath. Immune to morning/bad breath.
- Perfect ongue health. Perfect taste buds and pink tongue
- Healthy lymphatic system and lymph nodes.
- Get rid of tonsil stones. Close crypts/holes in tonsils.
- Balanced immune responses. Balanced healthy immune system
- Perfect throat health.
- Always smell amazing. Good body scent.
- Perfect body balance & skin chemistry. pH balanced. Clean skin/pores/etc. Nothing wrong with body to emit bad smells.
- Good smelling hair/scalp.
- Clean and good smelling private areas.
- Clean body.
- good smelling face
- all and any hair on your body/face smells amazingly regardless of anything
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