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this is a paid request that won't be posted on my channel, but you can now purchase it here if you want. This uses my stardust formula



make $45 per hour 

have your desired remote job 

job that is fun and easy to do on daily basis 

enjoy doing your job

finding a remote work job is easy

job market is easy and favorable for you

be easily hired with great offers

have great managers and coworkers that are all kind and respectful 

Amazing work life balance and job benefits 

permanent and secure job as long as you want it 

feel grateful and blessed to be doing something meaningful 

job process was very smooth 

job that entered your life incredibly fast 

never be micromanaged or controlled

employers respect your skills, talents and leadership 

employers use your skills and talents responsibly and respectably 

receive promotions, rewards and praises often for my work 

receive raises every month and year 

the interview goes very well

be loved by everyone 

no competition in the job

the job was and is always yours

remote job that pays 45usd per hour

€ 11,11Pris

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    reply within 1-2 days after I give you the price options.



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